Products Index
- (BSP male double use for 60degree cone seat or bonded seal)hose hydraulic fitting 12611A
- 03310 Hydraulic Female Threaded Ferrule For SAE 100 R2AT/EN 853 2SN
- 10511 Metric male 24°cone seat heavy type ISO84341--DIN3861
- 1CB-WD 1DB-WB carbon steel hydraulic fitting/adapter
- 1SG JIS Metric male 60 degree cone/BSP male O ring adapter
- 200 PSI pressure transition adapter
- 20511C Carbon steel fitting DIN3868
- 20541C 45 degree Metric Female 24 multiseal fittings H.T DIN3868
- 45 BSP MALE 60 SEAT hydraulic pipe adapter 1B4
- 45 degree metric female hydraulic hose fitting 74 degree cone seal 20741 45 degree elbow pipe fitting
- 45 degree metric female multiseal fittings 20141
- 45 degree SAE flange fitting 6000PSI
- 45degree jic female 74degree hydraulic fittinghydraulic fitting
- 45degree JIS FLANGE hydraulic hose fitting 88141
- 45degree METRIC FEMALE 24degree CONE O-RING H.T.hydraulic fitting 20541
- 45° Elbow JIC male 74° cone/ JIC female 74° seat Adapters 2J4
- 45° elbow JIC male 74° cone/ SAE o-ring boss L-series ISO 11926-3 fittings 1JO4-OG
- 50011 Metric Standpipe Straight Hydraulic Hose Fitting
- 700M Mmetric banjo bolt fitting hydraulic banjo and bolt
- 7T9-PK 90° elbow BSPT female thread Fittings
- 90 deg GB metric standpipe hydraulic hose fitting
- 90 degree adjustable hydraulic compression Adapter 1CH9-OG/1DH9-OG
- 90 degree elbow BSPT male hydraulic adapter 1T9-SP
- 90 Degree elbow npt female adapter
- 90 degree elbow OFRS male o-ring with longhydraulic fitting SAE O-ring boss S series ISO11926-2
- 90 degree elbow ORFS male/ SAE o-ring male adapter boss hydraulic fitting
- 90 degree hydraulic adjustable adaptor
- 90 degree JIS flange fittings 88191 hydarulic fittings
- 90 degree metric female 24 degree cone o-ring H.T DIN 3865 hydraulic end fitting 20591
- 90 degree metric female 60 degree cone seal hydraulic pipe fitting 20691(T)
- 90 degree metric hydraulic fitting
- 90 degree ORFS male with SAE o-ring male adapter boss elbow hydraulic Adapter
- 90 degree SAE Flange 3000Psi flange hydraulic split flanges 87391 87391H
- 90 JIS metric MALE 60 cone/ BSP male o-ring pipe adapter 1SG9-OG
- 90 male orfs o-ring/ NPT male hydraulic hose fitting
- 90 ORFS hydraulic hose fitting
- 90 ORFS MALE O-RING hydraulic hose fitting
- 90° BSP female ISO1179 Adapters 7B9-PK
- 90° BSPT male/ BSP female Adapters 5TB9-SP
- 90° elbow BSP male 60 ° seat/ BSP female 60° cone Fittings 2B9
- 90° elbow BSP male 60 ° seat/ BSP male Adapters 1BT9-SP
- 90° elbow BSP male 60° seat/ BSP male o-ring Nipple
- 90° elbow BSP male 60° seat/ BSP male o-ring/metric male L-SERIES 1BH9-OG
- 90° elbow BSPT male 60 ° seat/ BSP female 60° cone Adapters 2TB9-SP
- 90° elbow JIC 74° cone/ BSPT male Adapters 1JT9-SP
- 90° elbow JIC 74° cone/ Inch weld tube Adapter 1JW9-IN
- 90° elbow JIC male 74° cone/ Long SAE o-ring boss L-series ISO 11926-3 Fittings 1JO9-OG/L
- 90° Elbow JIC male 74° cone/ NPT female Adapters
- 90° elbow JIC male 74° cone/ SAE o-ring boss L-series ISO 11926-3 tube adapters 1JO9-OG
- 90° JIC Compact Female 74 degree Cone Seat hydraulic hose fitting
- 90° JIC male 74° cone bulkhead Adapter 6J9
- 90° JIC male 74° cone/ BSPT female Adapters
- 90° JIC male 74°/ long NPT male Adapter
- 90° JIC male 74°/ longer NPT male Fitting 1JN9-LL
- 90° JIS GAS MALE 60° cone/ NPT male Adapters 1SO
- 90°Elbow JICmale 74° cone/ Metric male adjustable stud end L-series ISO6149-3 Adapters
- 90°JIS metric female 60°cone seat fittings 28691
- 90°NPT male/JIC female 74° seat tube Fittings 2NJ9
- AC AD AC-RN AD-RN OEM Hose adapter tee
- Alloy steel Hose Ferrule 00500
- Barrel tee fittings with swivel nut
- Brass hose fitting Ferrules
- BSP Bolt Fitting hose hydraulic fitting
- BSP FEMALE 60 DEGAREE Hydraulic hose fittings
- BSP female 60 degree cone double hexagon hydraulic hose fitting
- BSP female 60° cone Fittings 3B
- BSP female 60° cone Plugs 9B
- BSP female 90 degree cone hydraulic fitting 22691K
- BSP female ISO 1179 Fittins 7B
- BSP female/ BSP male/ BSP female Adapters
- BSP female/BSP female 60° cone Adapters Fittings
- BSP female/BSP female/BSP male Tees FB
- BSP Male 60 degree cone seat Hydraulic fittings 12611
- BSP male 60° seat Bulkhead Adapters 6B
- BSP male 60° seat Fittings AB
- BSP male 60° seat/ BSP female 60° cone branch Tees BB
- BSP male 60° seat/ BSP female 60° cone run Tees
- BSP male 60° seat/ BSP female pressure gauge connectors 2B-G
- BSP male captive seal hollow hex Plugs
- BSP male double use 60 degree cone seat or bonded seal /BSP male O-ring hydraulic pipe adapter 1BG
- BSP male double use for 60° cone or bonded seal/ BSP male captive seal adapters -producting process
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal Adapters 1B-HS
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal Plugs 4B
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/ BSP female 60° cone Adapters 2B
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/ BSP female ISO 1179 Fittings 5B
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/ BSP female pressure gauge connectors
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/ BSP male o-ring Adapters 1BG-OG
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/ BSPT female Adapters 5BT
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/ BSPT male Fittings 1BT-SP
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/ JIC female 74° seat Fittings
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/ JIC female 74° seat Fittings 2BJ
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/ JIC male 74° cone Adapter
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/ SAE o-ring boss L-series ISO11926-3
- BSP male double use for 60° cone seat or bonded seal/NPT female Fittings 5BN
- BSP male o-ring/ BSP female 60° Adapters 2GB
- BSP male O-RING/ BSP female ISO 1179 Fittings 5GB
- BSP male o-ring/ JIC female 74° seat Adapters 2GJ
- BSP male o-ring/ NPT female adapters 5GN
- BSP male/ BSP male/ matric male captive seal adapters 1BM-WD
- BSP o ring male hydraulic fitting 12211
- BSP straight male thread hydraulic adapter 1B-2WD
- BSP thread 60° cone end Caps
- BSP thread 60° cone Fittings
- BSP thread 60° cone Fittings 1BH
- BSP thread 60° cone Fittings 1BK
- BSP thread 60° cone Fittings 1BM
- BSPT female thread tee GT-PK
- BSPT male hollow hex Plug 4TN-GM
- BSPT male/ / BSP male 60° cone Fittingss 2TB-SP
- BSPT male/ BSP female Fittings
- BSPT male/ BSP female pressure gauge connectors 2TB-G/SP
- BSPT male/ BSPT female fittings
- BSPT MALE/ JIC female 74° seat Adapters
- BSPT male/NPT female adapter 5TN-SP
- Carbon Hydraulic Fitting 2
- Carbon steel 060A47 Hydraulics fittings 10411
- Carbon steel 1045 Hydraulic Fitting Ferrule 00401
- Carbon steel 45 Metric swaged hose fitting 20211
- Carbon steel 45# Hydraulic Fitting Ferrule 00210
- Carbon Steel 90 DEGREE ELBOW JIC MALE 74 degree Cone/BSPP MALE O-RING adapters
- Carbon Steel 90 degree elbow JIC male 74 degree Cone/BSPP male o-ring adapters 1JG9-OG
- Carbon steel 90 elbow JIC male 74 cone high pressure hydraulic hose fitting
- Carbon steel BSP Banjo fitting
- Carbon steel BSP female Tees
- Carbon steel BSPT male Plug
- Carbon steel C45 Hydraulic Fitting Ferrule
- Carbon steel CNC machinery JIC lock nut 8J
- Carbon steel Ferrule fitting for SAE hose 00110-A
- Carbon Steel Galvanized Zinc Elbow Connect all Type Hydraulic Fittings
- Carbon steel hose fitting covered Cr6+ free zinc plating
- Carbon steel hose nipple 10311
- Carbon Steel Hydraulic adapter
- Carbon Steel Hydraulic Ferrules
- Carbon Steel Hydraulic Fitting Ferrule
- Carbon steel Hydraulic Fitting Ferrule 00402
- Carbon steel Hydraulic Fitting Ferrule 01200
- Carbon steel hydraulic flange
- Carbon steel hydraulic metric JB banjo fitting
- Carbon Steel Hydraulic SAE Split Flange Clapms FL FS
- Carbon steel Japanese flange fitting 88111
- Carbon steel JIC male 74 degree cone/ ORFS male adapters 1JF
- Carbon steel male bspt hose ferrule fitting bspt male hydraulic fitting
- Carbon steel male hydraulic pipe fittings(ORFS o-ring)
- Carbon Steel nut plated nipple Black plastic
- Carbon steel o-ring male hydraulic adapters by CNC machine 1CO/1DO
- Carbon steel ORFS lock Nut
- Carbon steel R683/IC45e Hose ferrule
- Carbon steel S45C Hose Ferrule 03310
- Carbon steel SAE 37° tee
- Carbon Steel SAE MALE HOSE FITTING hydraulic fittings /SAE O-RING MALE /carbon steel hydraulic hose fittings
- Carbon steel SAE o ring boss/ BSPT male Adapter 1OT-SP
- Carbon steel stainless steel copper Hydraulic Fitting Ferrule 01100
- Carbon Steel Swaged hose fitting ferrule for china three-wire hose 01300
- Cast Iron Pipe Fitting
- CNC Manufacturing Hydraulic Hose JIC Male Adapter
- Coll-O-Crimp Female Swivel Fitting
- Copper Hydraulic Adapter plated with zinc color
- Crabon steel Hydraulic Tee
- Crimped fitting connects a 3/8" JIC 37 degree
- DIN 3868 Metric Female 24 DEGREE multiseal L.T. fittings 20411C 20411C-T
- DIN bite type BSP thread stud ends with o-ring sealing adapters
- DIN bite type tube fitting male hydraulic adapter equal one
- Double Female Pipe Tee Flared Tube Fittings
- Elbow 90deg hydraulic bite type adapter 1C9 1D9
- Elbow BSP female 60 degree cone hydraulic hose fitting
- Elbow flange 90 degree SAE Flange 6000 PSI hydraulic cylinder with front flange 87691
- Epoxy resin covered Threaded Steel End - Standard Sizes transition fitting
- Epoxy resin Iron male Transition fitting
- Favorites Compare o ring pipe fitting pipe fitting CUTTING RING auto bolts pipe lock nut RL RS
- Female hydraulic fitting 20241 20241-T
- Female Stainless steel Pipe Threaded Transition fitting
- Ferrule for SAE R7 Hose
- fitting hydraulic hose connector 45 degree elbow fitting
- GB metric female 74°cone seat type Hoses Fittings 20711
- Half Cover Hydraulic banjo Fittings
- Half Cover Hydraulic banjo Fittings 70011
- High quality fittings rubber hose fittings hydraulic fittings 20291
- High quality hydraulic bsp hydraulic fittings
- Hose assembly with both straight fittings
- HOSE FITTING NOMENCLATURE Stainless Steel Carbon Steel brass bronze fittings
- Hose Fitting Tubing Fittings Hydraulic Joint Hose Barb Connections
- Hydraulic Adapter BSP Male Double Use for 60deg Cone Seat or Bonded Seal 1B
- Hydraulic adapter metric thread with captive seal 1CM-WD/1DM-WD
- Hydraulic Adapter sizes according to your requirement
- Hydraulic carbon steel Adapter 1CT-SP
- Hydraulic carbon steel hose fitting with yellow galvanization
- hydraulic fitting bulkhead adapter 6C 6D 6C-LN 6D-LN 6C-RN 6D-RN 6C-LN/RN 6D-LN/RN
- Hydraulic Fittings 10711 Metric Male 74 Cone
- Hydraulic fittings 45 degree elbow BSP male 60 degree seat/ BSP male O-ring adjustable stud end
- Hydraulic fittings 90 degree elbow reducer tube adapter with swivel nut 2C9/2D9
- Hydraulic Fittings Hydraulic 37 JIC Adapters Male x Female
- Hydraulic fittings metric male adjustable stub end ISO 6149 run tee ACCH-OG ADDH-OG ACCH-OG/RN ADDH-OG/RN
- Hydraulic fittings NPT male fitting 15611
- Hydraulic flange 45 degree bend SAE 3000PSI flange 87341 sae J516 hydraulic flange
- Hydraulic flange fitting with white galvanization 87611
- Hydraulic Hose Assembly nomenclature
- hydraulic hose double connector double nipple pipe fitting 90011
- Hydraulic hose fitting 24211 24211-T 24211W
- Hydraulic hose fitting 90 degree mertic female 74 degree cone seat 20791
- hydraulic hose fitting JIC male adapters 1CJ/1DJ
- Hydraulic hose Fitting with zinc plated 20491metric female 24 cone with O-Ring 20491(T)
- Hydraulic hose fitting with Zinc plated metric female 24 conewith o0-ring DIN 3865 Crimpe fitting 20441
- Hydraulic hoses fittings BSP elbow fitting 22141 22141-T 22141-W
- Hydraulic Metreic banjo Adapter 1CI/1DI
- Hydraulic pipe fitting sae Male 90 degree cone J513 hydraulic end fitting 17811
- Hydraulic pipe Male adapter
- hydraulic rubber hose SAE J517 R12
- ID Controlled Transition Fitting
- Inside diameter Controlled Transition Fitting
- Interlock Ferrule for hose 00621
- Iron Transition Adapter connect with Stainless Steel & PVC pipe
- Japanese BSP Thread 60° SEAT PLUG 9S
- Japanese Gas male 60 deg cone fitting 19611
- Japanese JIS gas male 60 degree cone bulkhead Fittings
- JB metric bolt hydraulics hose fitting 710M
- JIC 74° cone flared plug
- JIC 74° cone/ BSPT male Adapters
- JIC 74°cone flared male/ NPT male/ NPT female Tees
- JIC 74°cone flared tube adapters
- JIC 74°cone flared tube Adapters 3J
- JIC 74°cone flared tube end cap
- JIC 74°cone flared tube Fittings
- JIC 74°cone flared tube Fittings
- JIC 74°cone flared tube Fittings
- JIC 74°cone flared tube Fittings
- JIC 74°cone flared tube Fittings
- JIC 74°cone flared tube Fittings Sleeve
- JIC 74°JIC triple lock Nut
- JIC female 74 degree cone seat 90 degree hydraulic hose fittings 26791 26791W
- JIC female 74° seat Tees
- JIC female 74° seat/ NPT female Connectors
- JIC female/ JIC male/ JIC female Tees
- JIC female/ NPT male/ JIC female fittings EJNJ
- JIC MALE 74 CONE/ORFS MALE hydraulic hose adapter hydraulic pipe adapter
- JIC MALE 74 degree CONE/ BSP male captive seal Carbon steel hydraulic Adapters
- JIC male 74° cone plug 4J
- JIC male 74° cone/ BSPT female Adapters
- JIC male 74° cone/ JIC female 74° seat Adapters 2J
- JIC male 74° cone/ metric male 60° seat Adapter 1JM
- JIC male 74° cone/ metric male adjustable stud end L series ISO 6149-3 Adapter
- JIC male 74° cone/ metric male adjustable stud end L series ISO 6149-3 Fitting
- JIC male 74° cone/ Metric male captive seal Fitting
- JIC male 74° cone/ Metric male captive seal fitting
- JIC male 74° cone/BSP female 60° cone Adapters
- JIC male 74° cone/BSP female Fittings 5JB
- JIC male 74°/ JIS metric male 60° Fittings 1JK
- JIC male 74°/ long NPT male Fittings 1JN-L
- JIC male 74°/ NPT male extra long Adapter 1JN-LL
- JIC male 74°/ SAE o-ring boss L-series ISO11926-3 hydraulics fittings 1JO
- JIC male 74°/ SAE o-ring boss L-series ISO11926-3 tube Adapters
- JIC male 74°cone bulkhead Adapter 6J
- JIC male 74°cone/ BSP pressure gauge Adapter with copper washer
- JIC male 74°cone/ BSP pressure gauge connector with sealing ring DKI
- JIC male 74°cone/ JIC female 74° seat Tube fittings 5J 5J-S
- JIC male 74°cone/ NPT female Adapters
- JIC male 74°cone/ ORFS female Fittings
- JIC male 74°cone/ ORFS female Fittings 2JF
- JIC male bulk head/ NPT female Fittings
- JIC MALE hydraulic hose coupling 16711
- JIC male/ BSPT male/ JIC male Adapters
- JIC male/ JIC male/ BSP male o-ring Fittings
- JIC male/ JIC male/ BSPT male Tees
- JIC male/ JIC male/ JIC female tube Fittings
- JIC male/ JIC male/ JIC male tube Fittings
- JIC male/ JIC male/ Metric o-ring Adapters
- JIC male/ JIC male/ NPT female Tees
- JIC male/ JIC male/ NPT Tees
- JIC male/ JIC male/ SAE o-ring Tube fittings
- JIC male/ NPT female/ JIC male Tees
- JIC male/ NPT female/ NPT male Tees
- JIC male/ NPT male / JIC male Tees
- JIC male/SAE o-ring boss / JIC male Tees
- JIS GAS female 60°cone seat JIS B8363 fittings
- JIS gas male 60 degree cone/ NPT male adapters 1SN
- JIS gas male 60° cone adapter 4S
- JIS gas male 60° cone/ BSPT male Adapters 1ST-SP
- JIS metric gas male 60° CONE adapter
- JIS Metric Hydraulic Hose Fittings
- JIS Metric male 60° cone seat Fittings 18611
- Length of Hydraulic Hose Assembly
- Long JIC male 74° cone /BSPP O-RING boss Fitting 1JG-L
- Long JIC male 74° cone/ SAE o-ring boss L-series ISO 11926-3 Fittings
- male 74 cone JIC hydraulic Adapters
- Male hydaulic coupling 90 degree eblow 1B9
- Male iron pope threaded connected with stainless Steel x CPVC Transition Adapter
- Male reducer hydraulic adapter Straight metric
- Metal ORFS Hydraulic Fittings1
- Metal Welding hydraulic ADAPTERS
- Metric Female 24 degree cone o-ring H. T. ISO 12512-2-- DIN 3865 Hydraulic Hose Fittings 20511
- Metric Female multiseal hydraulic hose fitting 20011-SP
- Metric Female Multiseal-tubing Hydraulic Fittings 20111
- METRIC female plug hydraulic Adapter 8C/8D
- Metric hydraulic hose fittings hose crimping fittings 20611
- Metric Male 90 degree Cone Hydraulic Hose Fitting 10811L
- Metric male adjustable stud end stud end ISO 6149 ACCO-OG ADDO-OG ACCO-OG/RN ADDO-OG/RN
- Metric Male double use for 60 Cone seat or bonded seal Fitting
- METRIC male L seriesISO6149-3/ NPT female adapters
- Metric male o-ring/BSPP female 60° cone Fittings 2HB
- Metric male/female thread bite type tube adapter
- Metric Standpipe Straight DIN Ferrule Bite Type Hydraulic Fittings double hose connector 51011
- Metric Thread Bite Type Tube 9C 9D
- Metric thread compression connector nut
- Metric thread stud ends ISO6149 1CH
- New products Transition Adapters
- Ningbo BSP Female Hydraulic Hose Fittings 22191 22191-T 22191-W
- NPSM Female 60 degree cone SAEJ514 hydraulic coupling 21611
- NPT female adapter Tees GN-PK
- NPT female/ JIC male/ NPT female Tees JNJN
- NPT female/ NPT female/ JIC male Tees HNNJ
- NPT female/ NPT male run Tees
- NPT Hydraulic Male/BSPT Male Tube end fittings
- NPT MALE /NPT FEMALE tube fittings 5N
- NPT male double adapter
- NPT male end cap 4N
- NPT male hollow hex plug 4NN
- NPT male to male elbow 90 degree adapter fitting
- NPT male/ BSP female 60° cone Adapters 2NB
- NPT male/ BSP female Adapters 5NB
- NPT male/ JIC male 74° cone bulkhead Adapter
- NPT male/ NPT mele/ NPT female Tee
- NPT male/ ORFS female adapters
- NPT male/ SAE female ISO11926-1 Tube fittings
- NPT male/ SAE O-RING BOSS L-SERIES ISO 11926-3 Adapters 1NO
- NPT male/JIC female 74° seat Fittings 2NJ
- OEM BSPT female adapter 7T
- OEM Carbon Steel Hydraulic Fitting Ferrule 00200
- OEM carbon steel Hydraulic Straight Fittings
- OEM Carbon Steel Pipe Fittings Nipple
- OEM DIN Hydraulic Tee
- OEM Hydraulic Banjo Fitting
- OEM hydraulic pipe adapter
- OEM Hydraulics Fitting by CNC machine
- OEM JIS Metric Hydraulic Hose Fittings 28611
- OEM metal hydraulic plugs 4C/4D
- OEM NPT female adapters
- OEM ORFS male o-ring/ SAE o-ring boss s-series ISO 11926-2 run Tee
- ORFS female flat Hydraulic Fittings
- ORFS female flat seat pipe fitting hydraulic tube metal fitting 24291 24291-T 24291W
- ORFS Hydraulic adapter sleeve
- ORFS Hydraulic Fittings nuts
- ORFS inch Hydraulic Fittings NB300-F
- ORFS male o-riing cap end
- ORFS male o-ring /NPT male hydraulic hose fittings
- ORFS male o-ring bulkhead branch hydraulics fittings
- ORFS male O-ring bulkhead Hydraulic Fittings
- ORFS male o-ring Tee AF
- ORFS male O-Ring/ metric male S-series ISO 6149-2
- ORFS male o-ring/ ORFS female adapters
- ORFS male/ ORFS femal run hydraulics fittings CF
- ORFS male/ ORFS femal run Tee
- ORFS male/ ORFS female Hydraulic Fittings
- ORFS male/ ORFS female/ ORFS male Tees
- ORFS male/ ORFS male/ NPT male Hydraulic Fittings
- Outside Diameter Controlled Transition Fitting
- pipe connector METRIC MALE 24 degrees CONE SEAT
- PSI Hydraulic Straight Male Fittings
- Quick coupling hose connector hydraulic fitting 22111 22111WW 22111-T
- SAE DIN series hydraulic rubber hose 1CN/1DN
- SAE J517 100R13 Hydraulic hose
- SAE male o-ring/ BSP female Adapters 5OB
- SAE o-ring boss end cap
- SAE o-ring boss hollow hex plug 4ON
- SAE o-ring boss L-series IS 11926-3/ SAE female ISO 11926-1 Adapters 5O
- SAE O-RING BOSS L-SERIES ISO 11926-3/NPT Female Thread Adapters 5ON
- SAE o-ring boss plug L series ISO11926-3 Adapters 1O-OG
- SAE O-RING boss S-series ISO 11926-2/ ORFS female adapters
- SAE o-ring boss/ JIC female 74° seat Adapters 2OJ
- SAE o-ring boss/BSP female pressure gauge Adapters 2OB
- SS swaged hose ferrule fitting 27811
- Stainelss steel 45° Elbow JIC 74°cone/ BSPT male Fittings
- stainless steel 90° elbow JIC male 74° cone/ NPT male Fittings
- Stainless steel BBPT male thread hydraulic adapter
- Stainless steel Carbon steel Brass Hydraulics Adapters nomenclature
- Stainless steel carton steel JIS gas male/ JIS gas female fitting 2S
- Stainless steel Hose Ferrule 00TF0
- Stainless steel Hose fitting made in china 20491C 20491C-T
- Stainless steel hydraulic fittings 20591C
- Stainless steel hydraulic hose fitting pipe fitting 10511
- Stainless steel hydraulic hose fittings 90 deg Elbow
- Stainless steel NPT Transition Fitting
- Stainless steel SAE o-ring lock nut
- Steel and Rubber hose assembly
- steel pipes and fittings 45 degree SAE flange 6000PSI SAE J516
- Steel Wire Reinforced Hose DIN-EN 857 2SC
- Steel wire spiral hydraulic hose SAE 100R15- GB/T 10544 R15
- Steel Wire Spiral Hydraulic Hose SAE 100R9
- Swaged hose fitting 90 degree metric female multi seal fitting
- Swaged hose fitting JIC 74 degree cone thread female hydraulic hose fitting 26711 26711T
- SwivelJoint Pipe Tube Fitting For Hose Barb 90012
- two Wire Braid Hose ( SAE 100 RIAT-EN 853 2SN)
- UN UNF Thread Adjustable Stud with O-Ring sealing Branch equal Tee
- worldwide Male Stainless steel Pipe Threaded Transition fitting